Minggu, 21 November 2010

in Jayawijaya, 8 Civilian Police Torture

SWEET --- Baroy Sambom, Jayawijaya residents said eight civilians were arrested and tortured by the police was about to visit one of their relatives who died in village Yalengga, Jayawijaya District, Papua, however, when the police ambushed the middle of their journey and then checked later arrested in Jayawijaya Police.

According to him, the arrest and hostage-taking by members of the Police Jayawijaya of eight civilians occurred at about 09:00 EDT on Saturday (20/11) yesterday. "Eight people were arrested in desaYalengga this yesterday but here suksa finally access this information is inaccessible to the media," said Sambom to JUBI, in Jayapura, Sunday (21/11).

According to data obtained from the National Committee of West Papua (KNPB) in Jayapura, the eight residents was about to visit their relatives who fell ill from the torture done by the police several months ago to the village died at the Pyramid. Thus, his eighth of the village Yalengga leading to the pyramid in order to mourn. But when they travel amid intercepted and arrested.

Condition while the eight residents was critical due to a result of police torture since the arrest. One of them female. They are Meki Tabuni, Nes Wenda, Oskar Kolago, Pius Wandikbo, Kalialoma Inggibal, Emina Wenda, Andius Virginia and Daniel Tabuni.

A spokesman for the National Committee of West Papua (KNPB) Mako Tabuni justify torture by police against citizens of the third. "They have arrested the morning, since arrested, police tortured from morning till night," said Tabuni.

Meanwhile, the police chief Jayawijaya AKBP Igede Sumerta Jaya, justifying the arrest, but those arrested and detained eight people, but not nine. They come from the "Revolutionary Army of West Papua."

She said the arrests were made since the middle of the journey nine citizens Star flag flying in the vicinity of Kampung Yalengga. Thus the security forces (police) seized the flag and securing them.

He denied that any torture against them. "There is no torture from the police, because they were arrested and detained at the Police's fine Jayawijaya," he said. Sumerta added, while the eighth person is still detained and will undergo further processing. (Moses Abubar)

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